“The place for all things cross-generational at work”

In its few years of existence, youcantgoogleIt.com has grown and evolved from a primary focus on the book, You Can’t Google It!: The Compelling Case for Cross-Generational Conversation at Work, to a site where you’ll find books, programs, blogs, podcasts on legacy-making, the collaborageism movement, mentoring, a focus on both younger and older generations, intersectionality of all the diversity differences, equity & inclusion.


You Can’t Google It! - The Compelling Case of Cross-Generational Conversation At Work
is a tool to help organizations and individuals remove the stress, frustration and negative energy that often arise out of working with people of different generations so they understand and accomplish their common goals
- and do it faster, profitably and sustainably with more engaged and committed colleagues and clients. It is about implications and how to take action.

From the author Phyllis Weiss Haserot:

Premise – Why I wrote this book:

Much of the learning, skills and perspective people of all ages need to succeed long-term in their careers is not found in data on the Internet, but rather in conversations and personal relationships with people they work with. Tech tools have trained us to search the Internet for answers to everything. But most of the non-technical or non-data-based answers we seek pertaining to our specific career/work lives are not to be found there. Learning about perspectives, relationships and experiences comes best from conversations. 

Why you should care:

In most organizations, there are 3, 4 or 5 generations working together with changed expectations about how things are done and by whom. People of different generations are increasingly isolated physically, functionally or emotionally from each other both by communication styles and media and lack of the perspective that would help them understand why people think and act as they do. My purpose and mission with this book is to facilitate action to promote and foster cross-generational conversation in organizations on both the part of management and the multi-generational teams that are increasingly the key to productivity, profitability and sustainability.

The secret sauce:

I’ve chosen 10 keywords around which the chapters have been created, all illustrating the significance of cross-generational conversation and what and why “You Can’t Google” (It!) There are quotes throughout from original research interviews I conducted with multi-generational teams. I emphasize the external focus--interactions with clients and other external stakeholders--as much as internally with colleagues for attracting and retaining clients and succession planning and transitioning. You are likely facing challenges with one or both types of interactions.

If you want to unite the generations at work for greater success for all, purchase “You Can’t Google It!" on:

AMAZON    |    BARNES & NOBLE    |    BOOKS-A-MILLION    |    or your favorite independent bookstore


Phyllis Weiss Haserot interviewed on her new book by millennial Ansel Francis.

You Can’t Google It!

“Phyllis Weiss Haserot has her pulse on cross-generational issues like no other and has written a book that bridges the divide across the generations in today’s workforce. She is passionate about bringing senior management and younger workers and younger management and senior workers together to find the common bonds that will foster successful communication. Phyllis suggests that the Internet doesn’t have all the answers needed to succeed, and she helps answer the questions and offers insightful suggestions that will lead to successful interactions.”

— Despina C. Kartson, Global Director, Business Development & Communications, JONES DAY®–One Firm Worldwide SM

Finally! THIS is the guidebook we’ve been waiting for. In the pages of You Can’t Google It! Phyllis Weiss Haserot lays before us the best practices for developing better cross-generational communication and engagement. From multi-generational team interviews and years of experience, the author shares her findings in an easy to read, no nonsense style. Pick up a copy for every people manager and for young workers in your organization who want to understand older workers’ perspectives on how to succeed.”

— Brad Szollose, award-winning author of Liquid Leadership, learning and development trainer, keynote speaker